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Living plankton - these are the creatures that live in the water column - is usually translucent and colorful. In order to photograph plankton live, so that the human eye is an impressive way, I needed a sophisticated technology.
on the research vessel "Meteor" I put up a Zeiss microscope with camera and sches Auflichtblitz. Here the laboratory:
From a visual work I got a hollow-ground lenses from 4 cm in diameter, there were optical glasses, which were finely polished. There were also strong microscopic magnification (objective 25x) no slip traces of the glass to see. The flash was tilted in the length of the flash is controlled by the TTL light measurement. Brightness and color of the background corresponded to a piece of plastic film in the distance below the hollow lens.
Here is a schematic drawing of the system:
from samples filtered water I had a few milliliters of very fine (membrane filter) and dropped onto the concave lens, and into it also cleaned out the animals. It was alive and not opaque (opaque) become as it would happen to the dead animals. After photography I have preserved the photographed animal either for later, academic work, or set back into the sea.
The Photographic microscope. The animal is on a slide in the drop,
the hollow lens I got later.
for the financial support of this work, I thank the German Research Foundation (DFG), and for the support and devotion to my work many seafarers and colleagues. The original slides (Kodak Ektachrome) are located, including the protocols in the Sea Museum Stralsund (Dr. Thiel).
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